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Bugge, Arne
Contacarium Palaeoslavicum Mosquense
(Codex du Museé Historique de Moscou, Uspenskij no. 9 / reproduction intégrale)
1960, 407 sider
ISBN 978-87-635-3409-3
Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae, vol. 6
ISSN 0105-3566
Vejl. pris450 DKK 69 $ 61 € 54 £
Onlinepris360 DKK 55 $ 49 € 43 £
▼ Din mening
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Introduction, description, indices, and complete photographic reproduction of Moscow, Historical Museum
(GIM), MS no. 9 ('Uspensky Kondakar', 12th c.)
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