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Feilberg, Jon
A phytogeographical study of South Greenland
Vascular plants
1984, 72 sider Illustreret, 27 cm
ISBN 978-87-635-1163-6
Monographs on Greenland | Meddelelser om Grønland, vol. 238
ISSN 0025-6676
Bioscience, vol. 15
ISSN 0106-1054
Vejl. pris106 DKK 16 $ 14 € 13 £
Onlinepris84 DKK 13 $ 11 € 10 £
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South Greenland, extending from 59º45’ to 62º20’N., is considered a
botanical province ranking with those of West, North and East Greenland.
The province is divided into six vegetational zones, based on the
distribution of selected taxa.
A phytogeographical analysis grouped the 346 taxa into eleven distribution
types, each with two to seven subtypes. Each taxon is characterized further
by a map of its distribution in South Greenland, by its holarctic
distribution type (HDT) and climatic distribution type (CDT), and by a
chorological index value (CI).
The flora of South Greenland is compared with that of adjacent areas in
Greenland, and its affinities to the floras of Europe and North America
shows a slight predominance of the American elements.
The following new combinations are proposed: Elymus violaceus (Hornem.) J.
Feilberg, Lychnis alpina L. ssp. americana (Fern.) J. Feilberg and
Vaccinium oxycoccos L. ssp. microphyllum (Lange) J. Feilberg.
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