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The phytogeography, flora, and vegetation of northern Greenland, north of 74°N have been investigated. Te stud area comprises the northern part of high arctic Greenland. The distribution of the 218 taxa of vascular plants has been mapped and classified into 14 distribution types with 1 subtypes. Based on the larger plant material obtained during thhe intensive botanical exploration of the area in the last decade the delimitation of the phytogeographical units as defined by Seidenfaden and Sørensen (1937) and Böcher et al. (1959) has been tested.
The delimination of the floristic province North Greenland, north of 79°30’N, has been confirmed, now divided, however, into a coastal and an inland district based on the distribution of selected species which in North Greenland are restricted to the interior. The coastal district is considered the polar desert zone in high arctic Greenland.
The delimination of the districts in the floristic province Northwest Greenland has been accepted, whereas the delimitation of the originally proposed districts in the floristic province Northeast Greenland has been altered. Here the border between the continental and the oceanic floristic province has been moved in an eastward direction. Further, the northern district in the continental province is divided into two districts based on a marked floristic limit by Bessel Fjord (76°N), where several low arctic species have their northern limit, thus giving a total of four districts in continental Northeast Greenland. No evidence for maintaining the subdivision of the oceanic floristic province in Northeast Greenland at Wollaston Forland has been found. This limit is expected to be found south of the study area.
Four taxa new to the flora of Greenland have been recognized or found: Puccinellia bruggemanni Th. Sør., Phippsia algida (Sol.) R. Br. ssp. algidiformis (H. Sm.) L. & L., Geum rossii (R. Br.) Ser., and Pedicularis sudetica Willd. ssp. albolabiata Hult. giving a total of 121 taxa known from North Greenland north of 79°30’N. The total number of taxa in Northwest and Northeast Greenland north of 74°N is 161 and 194, respectively. Five different types of high arctic distribution are recognized in Greenland.
A classification of the vegetation based on detailed description of the vegetation and few analyses in Northwest, North and Northeast Greenland is given. Two vegetation maps (scale c. 1:2, 380000) based on NOAA-satellite images showing the degree of plant cover in eastern North Greenland and Northeast Greenland, north of 75°N lat., are presented.
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