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Flensted-Jensen, Pernille, Thomas Heine Nielsen & Lene Rubinstein
Polis and Politics
Studies in Ancient Greek History. Presented to Mogens Herman Hansen on his 60th Birthday
2005, 626 sider
ISBN 978-87-635-0293-1
Vejl. pris300 DKK 46 $ 40 € 36 £
Onlinepris300 DKK 46 $ 40 € 36 £
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The present collection of articles by thirty-six leading Greek historians
is devoted to one of the most ubiquitous phenomena of the ancient Greek
world: the polis. The questions addressed in this volume range from
Classical Athenian ideology to the institutions of the Argive democracy, to
oligarchy in both theory and practice, to the federal constitution of
Boiotia, and the political definition of the regions of Arkadia and Elis.
Together, the contributions explore both differences and similarities
between individual communities in the ancient Greek world; but what unites
them all is their focus on two fundamental issues: the polis as a
physical entity and as the focus of the religious and political life of its
inhabitants. The choice of these two main themes has been determined by the
desire of the editors and contributors alike to mark the sixtieth birthday
of Mogens Herman Hansen, whose scholarship over the past thirty-five years
has contributed greatly to our understanding of the phenomenon of the Greek
Contributions by: H.-J. Gehrke (Freiburg), W. Burkert (Zürich), M.H.
Jameson (Stanford), O. Murray (Oxford), S. Hornblower (London), P.
Cartledge (Cambridge), P. Gauthier (Paris), E. Badian (Harvard) , P.J.
Rhodes (Durham) et al.
Thomas Heine Nielsen som redaktør
Noctes Atticae 2003, ISBN 978-87-7289-778-3, indb
Polis and Politics 2000, ISBN 978-87-7289-628-1, indb
Hvad tales her om? 1996, ISBN 978-87-7289-415-7, hft
Thomas Heine Nielsen som forfatter
Arkadien 1996, ISBN 978-87-7289-423-2, hft
Thomas Heine Nielsen som udgiver
Beskrivelse af Grækenland 2022, ISBN 978-87-635-4698-0, indb
A Polis as a Part of a Larger Identity Group 2005, ISBN 978-87-635-0861-2, e-publikation
A Note on ‘the Hellenic League against Persia’ and the Sanctuary of Zeus at Nemea 2007, ISBN 978-87-635-3034-7, e-publikation
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