Siden 1977 har Det Kongelige Bibliotek udgivet serien Danish Humanist Texts and Studies med videnskabelige monografier, tekstudgaver, bibliografier og kataloger inden for humaniora. Bindene er skrevet af forskere ved Det Kongelige Biblioteks eller baseret på forskning ud fra originalmateriale der befinder sig i Det Kongelige Biblioteks samlinger og overvejende eller kun er tilgængeligt der.
The Royal Library, Copenhagen
P.O. 2149
Style Sheet for Contributors:
Biographies on persons in the history of the library are appropriate for the series. Likewise, guides to or bibliographies on special collections or subjects at the library could be of interest.
Books in the series may be written in Danish with a summary in English or German, or they may be written in an international language such as English. Several of the books are in significant parts bilingual, some written in Latin or Greek, depending on the subject.