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Bendix, Regina F. & Marie Sandberg
Ethnologia Europaea vol. 44:2.
European Ethnology Revisited

2014, 134 sider, e-publikation
ISBN 978-87-635-4333-0
Tidsskrift: Ethnologia Europaea
ISSN 1604-3030

Denne titel er frit tilgængelig efter Open Access-principperne og kan hentes gratis.

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Marie Sandberg (f. 1975), lektor ved Saxo-Instituttet - Arkæologi, Etnologi, Historie og Græsk og Latin, Københavns Universitet.

The leitmotif of this special issue is "revisiting": Swedish and Danish scholars pay a visit to concepts and approaches of the field of European ethnology. In re-examining, revising, reawakening and relaunching concepts and approaches that might have otherwise been overlooked, worn out or rejected, they explore and explicate new dimensions of research that have remained tacit knowledge. In engaging with past knowledge claims, concepts and research endeavours, the volume offers original reworkings of the role of everyday life in user-driven innovation projects (Tine Damsholt and Astrid P. Jespersen), on the possible links between the historic-geographic atlas works and controversy mapping (Anders K. Munk and Torben Elgaard Jensen), understanding the meaning and creation of archival knowledge (Karin Gustavsson), and of fieldwork engagements (Frida Hastrup). Discussing the role of continuity and rupture in past and present analyses (Signe Mellemgaard) and rethinking borders (Fredrik Nilsson) are further avenues explored. Four main themes forge the connections of this volume: reworking everyday life, fieldwork as craftsmanship, mapping connections and conversing with the past create a dynamic matrix of novel takes on ethnologies for the future. The six contributions are supplemented with four comments; in commenting on the revisits, they contribute their own reflections on revisiting European ethnology.



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