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Transfiguration is a peer reviewed journal offering discussions of the relationship between art forms and Christianity in the European tradition from the early Church until today. There is an increasing interest in the more or less precisely defined religious contexts of the art forms. There is thus a demand for a theological journal that is not limited to the traditional matters within the discipline. The term theology is here used in a broader sense that includes the modes of expression and thought which have come into existence in a historical energy field between religious practice and aesthetic display.
Editorial Committee: Sune Auken (University of Copenhagen), Mette Birkedal Bruun (University of Copenhagen), Jens Fleischer (University of Copenhagen), Sven Rune Havsteen (University of Copenhagen), Birgitte Bøggild Johannsen (The National Museum of Denmark), Christian Troelsgaard (Latin and Greek, U of CPH), Eyolf Østrem (CHMR, U of CPH).
Finland: Anthony Johnson (Dept of English, Oulu University).
Sweden: Hans Lund (Cultural Studies, Lund University).
Norway: Trond Skard Dokka (Systematic Theology, U of Oslo), Lena Liepe (Art History, U of Oslo), Jacob Lothe (Literature, U of Oslo), Kristin Rygg (Musicology, Hedmark University College).