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Steffen, Vibeke, Steffen Jöhncke & Kirsten Marie Raahauge
Between Magic and Rationality
On the Limits of Reason in the Modern World
2015, 380 sider
ISBN 978-87-635-4213-5
Critical Anthropology, vol. 4
ISSN 1811-0665
Vejl. pris298 DKK 46 $ 40 € 36 £
Onlinepris238 DKK 36 $ 32 € 29 £
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In Between Magic and Rationality, Vibeke Steffen, Steffen Jöhncke, and Kirsten Marie Raahauge bring together a diverse range of ethnographies that examine and explore the forms of reflection, action, and interaction that govern the ways different contemporary societies create and challenge the limits of reason.
The essays here visit an impressive array of settings, including international scientific laboratories, British spiritualist meetings, Chinese villages, Danish rehabilitation centers, and Uzbeki homes, where they encounter a diverse assortment of people whose beliefs and concerns exhibit an unusual but central contemporary dichotomy: scientific reason versus spiritual/paranormal belief. Exploring the paradoxical way these modes of thought push against reason's boundaries, they offer a deep look at the complex ways they coexist, contest one another, and are ultimately intertwined.
Vibeke Steffen er lektor på Institut for Antropologi ved Københavns Universitet.
Steffen Jöhncke er seniorrådgiver på Institut for Antropologi ved Københavns Universitet.
Kirsten Marie Raahauge er lektor ved Det Kongelige Kunstakademis Designskole.
Alle udgivelser af
Vibeke Steffen som redaktør
Managing Uncertainty 2004, ISBN 978-87-7289-963-3, hft
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