▼ Din mening
I kommission for
Jovis Verlag
Simply Design approaches design from the point of view of architectural theory, clarifying the relevance of design elements and providing a reference framework for them. It proposes a methodological approach that focuses on the design process, grouping a range of architectural design concepts, strategies, and methods into five approaches. The subjects of creating place, programming, forming + joining, choreographing, and staging are presented as an open and non-hierarchical system, based on examples of architectural projects. This book explains concepts and ideas, describes design methods, and illuminates their complex interrelation, in order to extract transferable design approaches, open up ideas, and provide inspiration. This key publication is targeted towards architects, students, and those interested in the theory and practice of architecture.
With contribution by Margitta Buchert, Verena Brehm, Felix Hoepner and Laura Kienbaum
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