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Jovis Verlag
On the occasion of the anniversary of the Bernische Kunstgesellschaft (BKG), the “Feu Sacré” exhibition is presenting selected works from BKG’s history. Since it was founded, BKG has supported 193 scholars, including many now renowned artists such as Franz Gertsch, Bernhard Luginbühl, Chantal Michel, Markus Raetz or Julia Steiner. The Berner Kunstgesellschaft was significantly involved in the founding of the Bern Museum of Fine Arts, which opened its doors in 1879. Therefore, on the occasion of the BKG’s 200th anniversary, the museum is taking the opportunity to dedicate an exhibition to the art association, with works by winners of the AC scholarship. The exhibition presents a selection of around 100 artists, with one work each created during their scholarship year. This has led to an impressive overview of 70 years of artistic creation in the Canton of Bern.
Contributions by Daniel Spanke, Fred Zaugg, Annelise Zwez, Konrad Tobler, Alice Henkes, Kathleen Bühler
Alle udgivelser af
Annick Haldemann som forfatter
Sean Scully 2012, ISBN 978-87-635-3995-1, hft
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