▼ Din mening
I kommission for
Jovis Verlag
Working with the designer Laurenz Brunner, Julia Born designed a large-scale installation for the Museum of Contemporary Art, which explores the issue of graphic design in the context of art, or more precisely, the re-contextualisation of graphic design as it relates to various projects. A selection of commissioned and non-commissioned works is exhibited on the gallery walls as the oversized pages of a book. Photographed by Johannes Schwartz, Born then turns the transformed gallery back into a catalogue, thus changing the dimensions once again. The exhibition and catalogue now become the subjects of the project in their own right. They are linked to one another and can no longer be separated. The title used by Born Title of the Show serves to denote content that has yet to be defined, but will become clearer as work on the exhibition proceeds. The title therefore not only refers to a design practice, but also to design as a process.
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