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Philipp, Marianne, Jens Böcher, Ole Mattsson & Stanley R.J. Woodell
A quantitative approach to the sexual reproductive biology and population structure in some arctic flowering plants: Dryas integrifolia, Silene acaulis and Ranunculus nivalis
1990, 60 sider Illustreret 19 x 26,5 cm
ISBN 978-87-635-1206-0
Monographs on Greenland | Meddelelser om Grønland, vol. 274
ISSN 0025-6676
Bioscience, vol. 34
ISSN 0106-1054
Vejl. pris122 DKK 19 $ 16 € 15 £
Onlinepris97 DKK 15 $ 13 € 12 £
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▼ Din mening
The population ecology of three species in northwest Greenland (Dryas integrifolia, Silene acaulis and Ranunculus vinalis) was studied in two consecutive seasons. Flowering phenology, population structure, flowering biology (including numbers of pollen grains per anther, germinated pollen grains per stigma, ovules per gynoecium, seeds per fruit), pollination and insect activity were the main features investigated. They were related to the micro- and macroclimatic conditions.
1. The unpredictability of the quality and length of the growing season makes the success of the reproductive cycle (i.e. production of mature seeds) very uncertain.
2. There are seedlings at the studied sites of the three species.
3. Most of the seedlings disappear.
4. Population structure results indicate that seedlings become established in at least some years, but input of new individuals is episodic.
5. Of the three species studied, R. nivalis allocates most resources to reproduction.
6. Percentage normal pollen varies mostly between plants, less between days and sites (D. integrifolia).
7. All three species are self-compatible.
8. Full seed set is obtained only after insect visits.
9. In S. acaulis seed set may be limited by thhe number of pollen grains reaching the stigmas.
10. The flowers provide food (pollen and nectar) for the insects. They also provide shelter, warmth, and a mating place for them.
11. There are sufficient insect visits per flower to ensure seed set, except possibly in S. acaulis.
12. About 1% of total pollen grain production is found as germinated pollen grains on stigmas.
13. The utilization of pollen and stigmas varies between the three species. R. nivalis is the most efficient, whereas D. integrifolia is the most extravagant.
14. A cold and rainy summer in 1976 resulted in conspicuously lower seed set in 1977 in spite of the latter summer in being comparatively dry and warm.
15. A "reproductive budget" quantifying the various steps in the reproductive cycle is presented.
Alle udgivelser af
Jens Böcher som forfatter
Palaeoentomology of the Kap København Formation, a plio-pleistocene sequence in Peary Land, North Greenland 1995, ISBN 978-87-635-1232-9, hft
Palaeoentomology of the Kap København Formation, a plio-pleistocene sequence in Peary Land, North Greenland 1995, ISBN 978-87-635-1232-9, hft
Plant and arthropod remains from the palaeo-Eskimo site on Qeqertasussuk, West Greenland 1993, ISBN 978-87-635-1220-6, hft
Plant and arthropod remains from the palaeo-Eskimo site on Qeqertasussuk, West Greenland 1993, ISBN 978-87-635-1220-6, hft
The Coleoptera of Greenland 1988, ISBN 978-87-635-1191-9, hft
The Coleoptera of Greenland 1988, ISBN 978-87-635-1191-9, hft
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