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Podemann Sørensen, Jørgen
Rethinking Religion
Studies in the Hellenistic Process
1989, 101 sider
ISBN 978-87-7289-079-1
Opuscula Graecolatina, vol. 30
ISSN 0107-8089
Vejl. pris230 DKK 35 $ 31 € 28 £
Onlinepris184 DKK 28 $ 25 € 22 £
Black December-pris115 DKK 18 $ 15 € 14 £
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Alle udgivelser af
Jørgen Podemann Sørensen som redaktør
Comparative Studies in History of Religions 1999, ISBN 978-87-7289-533-8, hft
CHAOS 1 1982, ISBN 978-87-7289-933-6, hft
CHAOS 2 1983, ISBN 978-87-7289-935-0, hft
CHAOS 3 1984, ISBN 978-87-7289-937-4, hft
CHAOS 5 1986, ISBN 978-87-7289-951-0, hft
CHAOS 6 1986, ISBN 978-87-7289-939-8, hft
CHAOS 7 1987, ISBN 978-87-7289-941-1, hft
CHAOS 8 1987, ISBN 978-87-7289-943-5, hft
CHAOS 9 1988, ISBN 978-87-7289-947-3, hft
CHAOS 10 1988, ISBN 978-87-7289-949-7, hft
CHAOS 12 1989, ISBN 978-87-7289-111-8, hft
CHAOS 13 1990, ISBN 978-87-7289-147-7, hft
CHAOS 14 1990, ISBN 978-87-7289-149-1, hft
CHAOS 15 1991, ISBN 978-87-7289-162-0, hft
CHAOS 16 1991, ISBN 978-87-7289-164-4, hft
CHAOS 17 1992, ISBN 978-87-7289-210-8, hft
CHAOS 18 1992, ISBN 978-87-7289-230-6, hft
CHAOS 19 1993, ISBN 978-87-7289-246-7, hft
CHAOS 20 1993, ISBN 978-87-7289-250-4, hft
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