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Sandberg, Marie & Regina F. Bendix
Ethnologia Europaea vol. 43:1

2013, 112 sider, hft.
ISBN 978-87-635-4115-2
Tidsskrift: Ethnologia Europaea
ISSN 0425-4597

Vejl. pris75 DKK  11 $  10 €  9 £
Onlinepris60 DKK  9 $  8 €  7 £

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In memoriam
Bjarne Stoklund
Editor of Ethnologia Europaea

Ethnicized border economies and tourist emotions, urban witchcraft and working lives, predictive genetic testing and vaccination programmes - the present issue of Ethnologia Europaea assembles a range of topics that demonstrate the vitality of the field in highly diverse arenas. David Picard probes the personal transformations of Germans touring the Indian Ocean island of La Réunion. Shifts and continuities in the border economies of the sub-Carpathian Hungarian social world are explored in Anne Marie Losonczy's contribution. Manuela Cunha and Jean-Yves Durand examine vaccine acceptability and the production of dissent as it emerges in routine vaccination in French and Portuguese settings, whereas Niclas Hagen traces the impact of potential genetic knowledge, taking a case of Huntington's disease as his point of departure. Scrutinizing the diversity of work lives, Irene Götz questions the viability of the term post-Fordism in the new ethnography of work. Victoria Hegner analyses the ways in which neo-pagan witches interact with urban terrain. Finally, Carina Ren and Morten Krogh Petersen take a look at the sprouting cross-fertilizations between ethnology and Actor-Network Theory and how these intersections impact the study of culture.

Marie Sandberg (f. 1975), lektor ved Saxo-Instituttet - Arkæologi, Etnologi, Historie og Græsk og Latin, Københavns Universitet.


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