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Meldgaard, Morten
Ancient harp seal hunters of Disko Bay
Subsistence and settlement at the Saqqaq culture site Qeqertasussuk (2400-1400 BC), West Greenland
2004, 189 sider Illustreret
ISBN 978-87-635-3067-5
Monographs on Greenland | Meddelelser om Grønland, vol. 330
ISSN 0025-6676
Man & Society, vol. 30
ISSN 0106-1062
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Morten Meldgaard som forfatter
Ancient harp seal hunters of Disko Bay 2004, ISBN 978-87-635-1263-3, hft
Ancient harp seal hunters of Disko Bay 2004, ISBN 978-87-635-1263-3, hft
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The Greenland caribou - zoogeography, taxonomy, and population dynamics 1986, ISBN 978-87-635-1180-3, hft
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Aasivissuit - the Great Summer Camp 1983, ISBN 978-87-635-1157-5, hft
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